Enable Ssl From Your Inmotion Hosting Account

How to Enable SSL From Your Inmotion Hosting Account

This is not a new concept to any of you. It’s always recommended to enable SSL certificate on your WordPress website. After knowing the different ways, you would know that your web hosting is also providing the free SSL.

If you’re using Inmotion then you can enable SSL from your Inmotion Hosting account within a minute.

Nowadays, most of the web hostings are providing free SSL certificate for one year. Inmotion Hosting is one of the best web hostings right now.

And in this tutorial, you will learn the easiest way to activate SSL.

Use the AMP of Your Hosting Account

The best thing about Inmotion is that it provides the AMP which has a lot of options. You can handle your website easily.

It’s not the cPanel. It’s the user panel from which, you can take care of the custom email addresses, cPanel, SSL(Free and Premium) and many other.

To enable SSL from your Inmotion Hosting account, you just need to login to the AMP and find an icon to manage the Free basic SSL.

Click on that icon and a new tab will open.

Scroll down and you will see a radio button to activate the SSL. As shown here, the green symbol represents that it’s active now.

For you, it would be off, so you just need to activate it.

After that, you have to wait for around 24-48 hours because the CNAME takes some time to get updated. Though the ideal time to enable SSL is 20 minutes. But for practical results, I am telling you the exact timing.

What Should you do After That

It’s possible that you don’t see any results because of your old SSL configuration. If you’re using CloudFlare and using their DNS then you have to change it.

The SSL certificate only works when you use the DNS of the hosting, not the CDN.

Though if you’re using CloudFlare then just use their free SSL. No need to enable it from your web hosting.

If you find any problem with the SSL certificate, you should try using the Really Simple SSL plugin and your problem will get solved.

Most of the time, the mixed content error occurs. But if you have a new website then you would require only one redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.

If you still don’t see that green lock for a secure connection on your website, you should contact the customer support.

They’re so helpful. I have been using it for so long and the best thing is that your problem will get solved within a few minutes.

The Best Service for the Inmotion Hosting users

Most of the people ask as if what’s the best web hosting I recommend. Well, Inmotion Hosting is the one. Till a few days ago, they were not providing the SSL, but now they do and I am using it.

If you’re also using Inmotion then this guide can help you enable SSL from your Inmotion Hosting account.

People get confused while applying such technical things. Well, follow this tutorial and within no time, you can secure your website with the SSL.

It will change your website’s protocol from HTTP to HTTPS which is recommended by Google. It’s mandatory now.

If you liked this tutorial, please connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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